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Weathergard Elastomeric Putty
Concrete | Putties & Fillers
An acrylic-water based elastomeric putty specially designed to repair minor cracks, dents, scratches and other surface imperfections on concrete and masonry surfaces prior to painting. Intended for WeatherGard Elastomeric Paint for exterior and interior application whenever a smooth finish is desired.
Technical Specifications
COLOR: white
APPEARANCE: putty-like
VISCOSITY: 130,000 to 150,000 cps at 28 °C
THEORETICAL DENSITY: 1.58 ± 0.02 kg/liter
THEORETICAL COVERAGE: 10 m2/4 liter (fullputty application)
- to touch: 1⁄2-1 hour
- tack free: 1-2 hours
- hard: 2-4 hours
METHOD OF APPLICATION: palette or putty knife
PAINTING SYSTEM: Use as is, if necessary reduce sparingly with clean water. Apply first coat of WeatherGard Odorless Elastomeric Paint on properly prepared concrete and mansory surface. Let it dry and repair all minor surface imperfection with WeatherGard Odorless Elastomeric Putty using palette or putty knife. When thoroughly dry, sand to a smooth finish before the application of 2 or more coats of WeatherGard Odorless Elastomeric Paint.
Surface Preparation
For maximum paint performance, surfaces to be painted must be dry and in sound condition, free from loose dirt, dust, oil, grease and other foreign matter. These conditions must be ensured before starting paint application.